Blackbird Airpark Museum is an annex of the Air Force Flight Test Center Museum at Edwards AFB. The museum is located on Avenue P at 25th Street East in Palmdale, CA.

A-12 #06924 is the first Blackbird built. First flown on 26 April 1962 by Lou Schalk. First of all Blackbird variants, it had a very short career, and was retired in 1968.

SR-71A 17973/ #2024. Assembly of this aircraft started on 14 January 1966 and its roll out was on 17 October 1966. The first flight of the aircraft was during 8 February 1967. This aircraft ended its career with 1,729.9 flight hours. The SR-71 was a follow-on development of the A-12 for an improved platform for reconnaissance.

Tail end of a J58 engine.

J58 engine.

D-21B #525. This little unmanned drone was developed due to the agreement between the Soviet Union and the United States restricting the use of manned vehicles over the Soviet landmass. It was carried piggyback by a modified A-12 called an M-21 or dropped from a wing pylon on B-52Hs.

Lockheed U-2D #56-6721